General Medicine (English) 6 years

About the faculty

In the Crimean state Medical Academy training of doctors for foreign countries started in 1961, when 6 students from Greece arrived in Simferopol. In 1966 the dean’s office for foreign students was established, which was later on reorganized into the International medical faculty. Foreign doctors have graduated from our Academy since 1967.

The number of the countries, which citizens receive education at our Academy, as well as the quantity of foreign students, are constantly growing. At present students from 38 countries of the world are trained at the Academy.

Since 1999 the Academy has introduced and developed a new method of training – teaching foreign students in the English language.

About the Programme

General Medicine – 6 years, qualification – doctor (specialist, corresponds to the level of Doctor of Medicine); for foreign citizens, it is possible to study both in Russian and using English.

Training under the program “General Medicine” at the preclinical stage of study (1-3 years of study). At this stage, basic, biomedical and preclinical disciplines (chemistry, physics, biology, anatomy, histology, physiology, microbiology, computer science, pathological anatomy, pathophysiology, pharmacology, hygiene) are studied.

Questions of anatomy, physiology, histology, microbiology, pathological anatomy and pathophysiology includes an in-depth study of topics related to teeth and oral cavity.

From the first year, students come to the clinic and learn the basics of caring for patients with a therapeutic and surgical profile, and practice as an assistant nurse, nurse assistant and nurse.

In the 3rd year, introductory clinical disciplines are studied – propaedeutics to internal diseases, general surgery, radiology, operative surgery, hygiene.

In the senior courses (4th– 6th year), training follows a cyclical system. Each discipline of professional (clinical) level is studied daily for one, two or more weeks (“cycle”).

Clinical classes are held in clinics where students work (independently and under the supervision of a teacher) with patients undergoing treatment.

In the course of clinical studies at each of the departments, the professional activity of a doctor is modeled (admission of a patient with the collection of complaints, anamnesis, an objective examination and writing of medical history, drawing up a plan of examination and treatment, analyzing laboratory and instrumental research data, correcting therapy, writing diaries of daily observation of the patient Clinical studies are held on the basis of university clinics and major hospitals within the city, as well as clinical research centers.

Training includes:

  1. Classroom hours (direct work of a student with a teacher) – clinical and practical classes and seminars (small groups of 7-14 students), as well as lectures that are taken in multiple large halls in the University
  2. Self-preparation of a student (at home, in the library, in departments and clinics of the University); Internet resources are available to all students, including study materials and tests prepared by the University teachers. Access to educational materials and tests (in self-study mode) is carried out from the student’s office and is possible both from computers located in the library and computer center, and from a home computer).
  3. Summer practice: It is a compulsory part of the educational process at the University. It can be carried out in the clinics of the University, hospitals in the country, as well as abroad in the student’s country of residence or in another country (by personal agreement of the student with a foreign medical institution).

There is a simulation center for training practical skills (medical manipulations, including resuscitation measures). The academic year consists of 2 semesters; between them – a vacation period (summer and winter holidays); production practice is held in July. Academic hour duration: 45 minutes.

Student knowledge assessment system

At the moment, a 100-point cumulative scale is used, which includes theoretical knowledge (daily assessment of the student’s knowledge level, midterm control, tests and exams), practical skills, assessment of the level of self-preparation (mandatory part – writing a medical history, optional part – preparation of reports and presentations on topics), student discipline (attending lectures, practical classes, discipline in the classroom). Scientific and educational research work of students can be considered for bonus points.

To assess the current activity in the departments, a 5-point system can be used (“2” corresponds to “unsatisfactory”; “3” – “satisfactory”; “4” – “good”; “5” – “excellent”).

All disciplines are compulsory for study. The presence and number of electives in each semester is provided for by the curriculum, but the choice of one or another elective is made by the student. A list of elective courses can be obtained from the roster.