Pharmacy (Russian)

In 2006, the Department of Pharmacy was created at the Crimean State Medical University, combining the teaching of basic special pharmaceutical disciplines. With the increase in the number of students in the specialty “Pharmacy”, the question arose about the need to create a pharmaceutical faculty, and in April 2017, by order No. 6 of 20.01.2017. the Faculty of Pharmacy was established, the dean of which was Professor Tikhonova S.A.

The Faculty of Pharmacy includes the Department of Pharmacy (Head of the Department Prof. S.A. Tikhonov), Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Head of the Department, Prof. A.M. Katsev), Pharmacology (Head of the Department, Prof. I.D.Sapegin ).

The dean’s office of the Faculty of Pharmacy oversees the educational, methodological and organizational work of specialized departments.

Much attention at the Faculty of Pharmacy is paid to the development of practical skills by students. Students in the specialty “Pharmacy” undergo practical training at the bases of pharmacies of the Republic of Crimea, at the phytosovkhoz “Raduga”, in the botanical garden of the KFU, as well as in the Nikitsky botanical garden.

With the creation of an accreditation center for the specialty “Pharmacy” on the basis of the Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU named after V. I. Vernadsky ”, the region got the opportunity to conduct primary and periodic accreditation of pharmacy specialists, which is especially important in the modern legislative field of the Russian Federation. After graduating from the specialty “Pharmacy”, our graduates, along with the qualification “specialist”, are assigned a special title of pharmacist. To start pharmaceutical activity, graduates need to undergo primary accreditation, and in the subsequent work, undergo periodic accreditation.

Graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical Academy are in great demand in the modern labor market, both in Russia and abroad. Pharmacy in the modern world is developing rapidly and needs a constant influx of new qualified personnel.

The area of ​​the pharmacist’s professional activity is practical pharmacy and pharmaceutical science, which is engaged in the purposeful development and application of technologies, means and methods of human activity aimed at preserving and improving the entire system of circulation of medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

The objects of professional activity of specialists are the sphere of circulation of medicines, including development, research, production, manufacturing, storage, packaging, transportation, state registration, standardization and quality control, and the use of medicines.

A pharmacist in his professional activity solves the following tasks:

  1. Organization of the manufacturing process of medicines;
  2. Implementation of activities for the sale of medicines and pharmaceutical products;
  3. Implementation of trade and procurement activities;
  4. Performing functions of organizing the activities of pharmaceutical organizations;
  5. Carrying out the functions of conducting inspections related to the issuance of a license for pharmaceutical activities;
  6. Conducting procedures for reviewing documents for issuing a license for the production of medicines;
  7. Drug registration activities.

Thus, our graduates can realize themselves, working in pharmacies and manufacturing enterprises, in government agencies involved in registration, quality control, regulation of the circulation of medicines and pharmaceutical goods.

The priorities in the work of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Pharmacy are efficiency and an individual approach in solving issues that accompany student life.

Dean of the Faculty:

Yegorova Elena Aleksandrovna – Associate Professor, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Author of over 80 scientific papers. Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy, head teacher of the course of clinical pharmacology of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 with the course of clinical pharmacology.

Research interests – drug safety control, study of the development and functioning of the pharmacovigilance system in the Russian Federation, clinical pharmacology of drugs.